The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167497   Message #4045995
Posted By: Jim Carroll
14-Apr-20 - 07:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
Subject: RE: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
his was one comment or non comment)that upset many people I know ( anon-aoplogy)
"The Home Secretary was asked if she would apologise for the lack of PPE available to frontline health workers on the day 19 NHS staff were confirmed to have died with coronavirus.
Priti Patel addressed the nation today during the daily coronavirus press conference. She was asked by the media whether she would apologise for the lack of PPE.
It comes on the same day Health Secretary Matt Hancock confirmed the current NHS death toll from coronavirus stands at 19.
Ms Patel said she was "sorry" if people feel there has been a failing regarding the supply of PPE.
After being asked twice if she would apologise to NHS staff and their families, Ms Patel said: "I'm sorry if people feel that there have been failings. I will be very, very clear about that. "

Another raised by an Irish friend was:
"This is the woman who suggested that Britain should start blockading Ireland - preventing food imports in transit across Britain from reaching Ireland - in order to coerce us into agreeing to Britain's demands during the Brexit negotiations."

Patel describes herself as "a Thatcherite" which calls to mind that Mad Maggie befriended a mass murderer, describing him as "a hero of democracy" after he was foung so have overseen the round up, torture rape and murder of over a thousand young protesters who complained over the military takeover of their country
This insane politician visited him during his home-confinement and described those who arrested as having acted illegally

Comforting to know that Britain has a Home Secretary proud to associate herself with that particular take on democracy

"alleged racism."
Are you really serious ?
Must be someone else posting in your name on this thread - I'd contact the mods if I were you
Jim Carroll