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Thread #167497   Message #4046171
Posted By: Jim Carroll
15-Apr-20 - 03:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
Subject: RE: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
" in making the choices they did based on available information."
Much of that intimation has been political and in some cases in the interest of the elite rather than the people as a whole, which is why Britain is so far behind everybody else
Europe is now beginning to abandon the lock-down - China, where this all began has all but returned to normal
While it is true some of these countries experienced the problem before we did, their relative sizes far outweighed that - just compare the population of China with anywhere else
Johnson's public disregard for the problem was an utter disgrace - his politicians moved in tightly-packed herds while he publicly refused to be tested
Your party has been shown more concern for its own public image than it has for the welfare of the people
As for that risen from the grave self-declared Thatcherite in the Home Office....
God help the British People

Yesterday the Irish edition of the English 'Times' devoted three whole pages to how far ahead of Britain, Ireland was in dealing with the problem
If Rabid Right-wing Rupe says it's true, then I guess it must be
Jim Carroll