The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30920   Message #404618
Posted By: Jack The Lad
23-Feb-01 - 01:06 PM
Thread Name: US/British planes fire on Iraq (closed)
Subject: RE: US/British planes fire on Iraq
McGrath, A country which sanctions the training and sending of individuals or groups of terrorists to place carbombs, pipebombs, bicycle bombs, donkeycart bombs, or indiscriminately kidnap and murder civilians ,or any young men and women in uniform- should be defined as a pariah state. Israel does not do this. Israel does send its soldiers and/or agents to take out (assassinate if you must)key terrorist figures. Personally I do not believe that this policy will ultimately bring peace any closer- but it's a damn site better than allowing them to bomb your local shopping mall.

Skeptic John I hope that Israel would never use nuclear weapons. However I believe that if the country were to be in a last ditch stand before sure annihilation as an entity, the temptation would be very great.

Had Iraq used atomic, biological or chemical weapons, I am sure that Israel would have considered using it's own ( presumed) nuclear weapon. As it was in the Gulf war Iraq , unoprovokedly rocketed Israel with Scuds- and Israel wisely, did not retaliate. Troll, thanks for the reminder- I haven't got enough to worry about already! Best Wishes to all, Jack The Lad in Israel