The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167497   Message #4046254
Posted By: peteglasgow
15-Apr-20 - 10:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
Subject: RE: BS: UK politics. Last ditch attempt
i've just been watching the anti-racist poem film going about, jacinda aherne's performance and the el salvador president's speech about his country's response to the corona virus emergency. i can feel that old familiar feeling of hope rising.....maybe the tide is turning and people will begin to respond to more humane, intelligent and positive leaders. we don't have to keep crashing on with the neo-liberal disaster capitalism model for ever.....maybe this emergency will help us to see sense - really 'the only weapon we have against the pandemic is solidarity' Nayib Bukele. well, i feel naive being hopeful - it's the hope that kills, of course and has done so many times. but what do we have if we don't have any hope for a better world?

many apologies for my ineptitude, could someone please post links to the above (i don't have any hope my technology skills will improve)