The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167586   Message #4046827
Posted By: Jack Campin
18-Apr-20 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: Will folk clubs survive
Subject: RE: Will folk clubs survive
A bit of a tangent, what can we do to get emerging talented singers and musicians to use this hiatus to get to know our rich folk tradition, look and learn from source material and recordings, and the best revival ambassadors living and passed on and spend time developing their craft to be the next vanguard.

People like Tobar an Dualchais and ITMA have already put a tremendous amount of material online and it's already being used heavily by younger performers - they don't need lessons in how to apply it. About all there is for older generations to do is upload what they've got.

Right now there is NO shortage of people offering on-line teaching in anything you could want - this is the obvious recourse for pros whose diaries have suddenly gone blank. But the notion of "best revival ambassadors" can go - performers starting out can bypass them and go back to their sources if they want. The best teachers and the best performers have always been largely separate groups of people in the art music world and there's no reason why folk should be any different in the present situation.