The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167639   Message #4047327
Posted By: Jim Carroll
21-Apr-20 - 03:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK Politics. Moderated thread
Subject: RE: BS: UK Politics. Moderated thread
"Would you like the links? "
Yes please, but I won't hold my breath - not able nowadays anyway
Igf you honetly believe that attacking scumbags like Farage is insulting you really must live way out in the sticks - it is he and his like who opened the floodgates of racism that are engulfing Britain with a POSTER echoing the filth that got Enoch Powell drummed out of politics
The fact that he did is a fair measuring stick of how Britain has changed in a relatively short time - what was unacceptable then is now

I too welcome Ms Allen's (pet name) new broom, but I find that when we are told to ignore individuals who constantly and deliberately insult bother people' arguments and them as individuals as a replacement for rational argument it's a bit beyond the call..
It means the forum becomes a soapbox for such individuals
I always understood that the guidelines for membership are infinitely sensible and maybe should be more than just guidelines   
This really has gone on for over four/five years now
"These are the times that try men's souls" - as a hero of mine once said - we need to be able to discuss what's happening around us without all this flung shit