The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167639   Message #4047367
Posted By: Iains
21-Apr-20 - 07:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK Politics. Moderated thread
Subject: RE: BS: UK Politics. Moderated thread
Sir Keith Starmer: Labour party boss
boasted that if he were in Government, the lockdown would have come earlier, with stricter controls.

   “I think if you look back, what you would have seen from a Labour government is a willingness to act more clearly and more decisively. So we were saying weeks ago that there should be strict controls, that it was clear that the infection was getting out of control, and that the government need to act more quickly and more decisively. And we would have done that.”.

Labour party minion Shadow Chancellor Anneleise Dodds disagreeing with Rory Stewart’s call to enact harsher measures on Westminster Hour on 8 March:

   “I completely take on board what Rory was saying but I’ve been very very impressed by the world of the Chief
Medical Officer and Chief Scientific Advisor… the problem is if you move immediately into, for example measures like stopping large scale events, that can have unintended consequences because people can then congregate in other areas that are actually even more likely to cause contagion.”
    “Rory disagrees.”
    “I feel really strongly about this.”.

Dodds went on to support the Government’s plan, and emphasised the need to listen to the scientific advice the Government is receiving.

    “I don’t think this is a reflection of passivity, just to make that clear. The Action Plan that the Government has set out, and I mean okay the Government are of a different political persuasion to mine, but they have stated that at some point we will have to shift from the containment stage to the delay stage…
    They set out the risks from potentially doing that too early. I’m talking about just medical professionals being involved in this [decision to lock down], it’s also got to be those who understand about the set up of the social care system, of other public services, they need to be part of this decision.”.

Dodds was defending the work of SAGE against Rory Stewart’s claim on the program that politicians need to be the ones to take decisions as scientists often have a narrow focus.
Oh what a tangled web we weave
when first we practise to deceive.......
Labour playing politics with covid-19