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Thread #167639   Message #4047456
Posted By: Iains
21-Apr-20 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK Politics. Moderated thread
Subject: RE: BS: UK Politics. Moderated thread
Cobra is not a universal panacea. At the end of the day the day the question to be answered is did the government recognise the severity of the problem and did they step up to the plate? It does not matter if they met in the parlour or squatted in the outside bog. It is not about where they held the meetings as much as how did they deal with the issue.
I am quite happy for an enquiry when the flak settles. Inevitably lessons will be learnt and perhaps even acted on. The opposition constantly needling just illustrates what an absolute mess they are in. They cannot even present a united argument(see Date: 21 Apr 20 - 07:32 AM) This is hardly surprising as they have split into a series of squabbling factions.
Just like the flu this virus carries a mortality rate with it. Some it will kill regardless of what medical techniques and equipment is thrown at it. This seems to be overlooked. Have the medical facilities been swamped?
No not yet
Have we run out of ventilators? It has not been reported.
Have we run out of oxygen? It has come close but the German company owning BOC has a similar problem. In Gernmany it is reported demand has increased 10 fold. Manufacturers are demanding regulations are relaxed in order to satisfy demand.
PPE shortagesj are a problem not unique to the UK. The US has been accused of runway piracy, an exaggeration I am sure. European countries have tried commandeering contracted supplies, namely France and Germany. Having outsourced most of its production to China and India, those low prices have come back with a sting in the tail.
Turning over production takes time and any existing contracts on home produced material requires honouring first. NHS procurement also has a part to play in this unhappy tale - they are certainly not blameless.