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Thread #167639   Message #4047557
Posted By: Iains
22-Apr-20 - 03:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK Politics. Moderated thread
Subject: RE: BS: UK Politics. Moderated thread
Pfr an example from the gruniard:
But when asked on Tuesday by the chair of the foreign affairs select committee, Tom Tugendhat, whether there had been policy advice on whether to participate in the EU ventilator scheme, the FCO’s most senior mandarin appeared to contradict the government line.

McDonald told the committee: “It was a political decision. The UK mission in Brussels briefed ministers about what was available, what was on offer, and the decision is known.”

His remarks appeared to blow a hole in the original defence of a “communication confusion” previously put forward by the Cabinet Office minister, Michael Gove.

But we find the Gruniard not only relies on inuendo but also tells a pack of lies unlike the highly esteemed Mr Guido!
How else to explain the following?

Top civil servant is forced into embarrassing U-turn after claiming ministers made a 'political decision' to DELIBERATELY snub EU schemes to buy PPE – and now accepts Downing Street just missed the email

    Sir Simon McDonald made the claim to MPs in remote committee meeting today
    It directly contradicted previous explanation offered by Downing Street
    Matt Hancock later said that the civil servant's version of events was not right
    Health Secretary: 'There was no political decision not to participate in scheme'
    Today Sir Simon wrote to Foreign Affairs committee chair to say he was wrong   

And humiliatingly, Health Secretary Matt Hancock confirmed there was 'no political decision not to participate in the scheme' during this evening's Downing Street press conference.
Sir Simon McDonald told MPs it had been a 'political decision' not to take part in Brussels-orchestrated efforts to bulk-buy protective equipment, but had to U-turn this evening
This evening Sir Simon McDonald sent a letter to the chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee in an embarrassing U-turn

In the letter, addressed to chair Tom Tugendhat, Sir Simon admits the 'facts of the situation are as previously set out'.

He says: 'Unfortunately due to a misunderstanding, I inadvertently and wrongly told the Committee that Ministers were briefed by UKMIS on the EU's Joint Procurement Agreement scheme and took a political decision not to participate in it.

'This is incorrect. Ministers were not briefed by our mission in Brussels about the scheme and a political decision was not taken on whether or not to participate.'

He went on: 'Owing to an initial communication problem, the UK did not receive an invitation in time to join in four joint COVID EU procurement schemes.

'As four initial schemes had already gone out to tender we were unable to take part.'

Previously, Sir Simon, the permanent under-secretary at the Foreign Office, told MPs on the committee that officials briefed ministers on what EU schemes were still open to the UK, even though it left the bloc at the end of January.

So we have a sh*t stirring civil serpent and a paper ready to print dirt without fact checking.
Looks like typical lefty politics to me. Utterly disgusting. "quelle surprise" It would appear my first description of the Guardian was seriously in error. The rag is even worse than I initially portrayed it.