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Thread #167639   Message #4047574
Posted By: Iains
22-Apr-20 - 04:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK Politics. Moderated thread
Subject: RE: BS: UK Politics. Moderated thread
Here is the key passage in McDonald’s retraction letter, despite the gruniard repeating the lie again today:

Unfortunately, due to a misunderstanding, I inadvertently and wrongly told the committee that ministers were briefed by UKMIS [the UK mission in Brussels] on the EU’s joint procurement agreement scheme and took a political decision not to participate in it. This is incorrect. Ministers were not briefed by our mission in Brussels about the scheme and a political decision was not taken on whether or not to participate.

The facts of the situation are as previously set out. Owing to an initial communication problem, the UK did not receive an invitation in time to join in four joint Covid EU procurement schemes. As those four initial schemes had already gone out to tender we were unable to take part.

Needless to say some labour MP is frothing the letter is not credible
With every action and word carefully documented I am sure we will find out exactly what the story is. Right now it is Government 10, servant nil.
Sounds like a case for summary dismissal to me, deliberately trying to sabotage the government .