The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167586   Message #4047787
Posted By: Jim Carroll
23-Apr-20 - 06:29 AM
Thread Name: Will folk clubs survive
Subject: RE: Will folk clubs survive
" I ought to make a similar list of all those that have been collected in England."
It really wouldn't be a bad idea Steve
I have gained the impression that they survided later in Ireland - there are far more of them here than I believed there were
I'm now looking for singers for six Robin Hood Ballads and an impressive version of The Broom of Codenknowes (from Waterford)
The Two Magicians (similar to Bert's) and sever 'Broomfild Hills
You can't throw a stone without hitting Lamkin, The Demon Lover, Hind Horn or Lord Bateman
A bit mind boggling really

If you do or anyone does, look in collections like 'Helen Hartness Flanders, Edith Fowke and Creighton - some excellent English and Irish survivals in all of these

I've just had a lovely young lady from Cork sing a full version of 'Famous Flower of Serving Men' (from Clare - circa 1920) for me
All very interesting !!!!!