The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167639   Message #4047921
Posted By: Steve Shaw
23-Apr-20 - 04:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK Politics. Moderated thread
Subject: RE: BS: UK Politics. Moderated thread
"Admit that the reason for all the trolling in here, and the fact we keep attracting trolls is that You People love them."

"You People." As ever, a failure of nerve when it comes to naming names. Not even "Usual Suspects." As ever, you wade in with your negativity and you get it all wrong. pfr engages Iains skilfully and manfully and gets nowhere. Credit for trying. Apart from the odd wacky right-winger, I can probably say with confidence that we mostly hate Iains' guts and several of us have been campaigning for years to get him thrown out. That's how much we "love" him. The truth is that you mods are the ones who love him. You love to see us wallowing so that you can do your victim-blaming, which is precisely what you've just done, and it suits you down to the ground that those who do the wallowing are exclusively Brits. You hate Brits, which is why you've ghettoed us into one thread, and even then you can't keep out. It's a path of least resistance, innit, Jeri? Far easier than doing what good mods do, which is troll control...