The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167686   Message #4047947
Posted By: GUEST,Captain Swing
23-Apr-20 - 06:17 PM
Thread Name: First attempt at a virtual session
Subject: RE: First attempt at a virtual session
Thanks everyone for the kind words and cheers Dave for adding it to the playlist.

I've used iMovie software for many years on family and work projects eg training vids. I've also used Garageband for audio recording and editing. I've never done a split screen vid before and this was as good a time as any to have a go.

I had a look at the split screen process in iMovie but it seemed to be quite complicated to use more than two screens. It was also quite restricted as to placement of clips within the screens. Then I came across Wondershare Filmora 9 and downloaded the free trial. It seemed to have what I needed.

If I tell you exactly the process I used I will lead you up many dead-ends because I made so many mistakes and had to keep revising. So I'll explain how I intend to do it next time, of course this has not been tried and tested yet! For simplicity I'll deal with a tune rather than a song. Technical details will vary with different software packages so I'll try to stick to processes.

* One person creates a simple clear guide track of the tune using a click track. The track also needs a good count in eg, 123, 123, 123, 12_. Also duplicate the track and remove the clicks on the duplicate - this is for people who find playing to click tracks difficult.

* Guide tracks sent as mp3 to all members

* Each member needs a device to play the guide track, a film and recording device and some headphones

* Each member to listen to the track through a couple of times to be aware of dynamics in the tune.

* Each member to produce their own film+audio track by listening to the guide (on headphones) while playing their own instrument into their film+audio recording device. The headphones ensure the guide track is not heard on the new track. When recording, each member MUST count audibly in with the last couple of bars before the tune starts.

* Each member returns their track by message (mp4 or whichever is best for the techi) to the techi

* Techi makes an audio mix by loading the mp4s into audio software ( I used Garageband). The software will treat it as audio only ( if it doesn't there are ways around it). Using the audible count in for each track it is reasonably easy to layer and synchronise the tracks. Save audio mix.

* Techi uses video software to edit each video to about equal length and including count-ins and a period after the tune has finished ( 15-20 sec). Each video saved as MOV or mp4

* Using the video software the techi will set up a split screen track and load all of the videos on to it. The videos can then be aligned using the count-ins. This main vid is all saved as MOV or mp4

* Using video software a new project is created and the main vid file is loaded in along with the audio mix. The two tracks are aligned using the count-ins. When the audio track and the video audio track sound as one then the tracks are aligned.

* Detach the audio from the video track leaving only the separate audio track in place. Save as MOV or mp4

* Reload the MOV/mp4 into a new project in the video software. Trim off the count-ins at the beginning and trim off the ends so it looks like you all look good at the end - don't want anyone walking out of shot while everyone else is still smiling and waving!

* Add titles if needed. Send to Cannes for next festival or at least upload to FB or youtube.