The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167692   Message #4048200
Posted By: Iains
24-Apr-20 - 01:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is the Mudcat American?
Subject: RE: BS: Is the Mudcat American?
I did not realize how prevalent selective amnesia is on the mudcat BS section, especially on threads political. Anyone not of a leftward persuasion can be called any number things but should the compliment be returned it those it is aimed that thave a group hug and hissy fit and label it insulting, trolling racism and any other epithet they can dream up. Simultaneously they claim to be entirely innocent of even a teensy wheenzy bit of provocation. They do it so frequently they have lost the ability to understand they are doing it. For example on this thread:
Northerners are a different kettle of dingbats altogether over here
dingbat - a stupid or eccentric person., delusions or feelings of unease, particularly those induced by delirium tremens.,
North in this case can only mean the entire province of Northern Ireland.
Such gratuitous insults towards the entire population can only inflame what is an extremely tenuous peace.process. Why such needless behavior, there was absolutely no justification for it.