The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167711   Message #4049132
Posted By: Newport Boy
28-Apr-20 - 12:34 PM
Thread Name: BBC Radio 4 - April 2020 lockdown performances
Subject: RE: BBC Radio 4 - April 2020 lockdown performances
I've posted this in another thread but can't remember when.


Th'ore ganna build a reserwor, nee matter what the cost,
Th'ore ganna mak a dam at Yarra Moor;
Hes nee one thowt ti tell them aal the things that mun be lost,
Afore she's lappin' on hor final shore?

They say the wattor's needit for big industry on Tees,
But, - as that rivvor hes neen uv its aan, -
Then, i' the name u' Progress, they pick North Tyne, if ye please
Ti prosper thor greet economic plan!

An' while th'ore busy prosp'rin', will they heor the field-mice caal,
When risin' wattors closin' ower thor heids?
Them little droonded bodies piled aginst thor greet eorth waal,
A price ti pay for Cleveland's desp'rate needs?

Whee's ganna write the wattorhen, (in triplicate, ye knaa)
An' tell hor jist hoo hee ti build hor nest?
Gi' tables u' the floodin' rate ti let hor knaa hoo far
Up shore she should be layin' for the best?

Whee's ganna tell the warblors they mun lay thor eggs elsewheor,
In case th'ore floodit oot afore th'ore hatched?
Whee'll tell the spaanin' salmon that she cannit lep up theor,
An's floond'rin' doon belaa until she's catched?

Whee'll listen when the wayside flooers is cryin' oot i'vain,
Aginst that flood wi' its relentless spreed?
Or heor belaa the wattors aal the thistles shoot wi' pain,
Or daisies groanin' doon amang the deed?

Will th'end be sharp an' morciful, wi' days an' days u' rain
So's iv'ry deeth bi droonin' will be quick?
Or will the creepin' wattors ooze up iv'ry burn an' drain,
A rate u' centimeetors bi the week?

An' when the work is ower, an' she's filled up ti the brim,
A greet blue sheet u' wattor, shore ti shore,
They'll come up in thor thoosands, an' we'll aal be tellin' thim
Hoo bonnie ran the North Tyne theor afore.

They've startit on that reserwor, - Aa've bin theor an' med sure,
Aa feort the Pooers-that-be wes ganna win;
But when they stan' theor smug an' prood atop u' Yarra Moor,

(about 1975)