The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4049732
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-May-20 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
It's at times like this you reliase th importance to changing the electoral system to one that allows a voice to the parties that put the interests of people higher than that of the rich and powerful
To a degree, Ireland's PR system puts a brake on the right-wing parties by forcing them to justify themselves in the Dail - not the case in Britain
There it is a bear garden where opposition is shouted down and Parliamentarians behave like hooligan children regularly
Money matters should play no part in decisions of life and death such as when the lock-down should be relaxes - it is arrogant nonsense to suggest they should
This has to be a decision taken on scientific advice only
It is diversive crap to suggest that science is divided on this - it ****** isn't - the lockdown should be eased only when it is safe for it to be no matter what the economic consequences

It is true that the present economic structure may collapse - that structure began to do so with the widening wealth gap and the turning of plumbers, carpenters and electricians..... - all those who make our society's wheels revolve by providing the needs of everyday living, into "workers" forced into unsuitable jobs because their old ones are no longer profitable
Unfortunately, we don't live in a society that allows open debate on questions like this so we have to rely on good-will and the crumbs from the tables of others
Things cannot and will not return to where they were- they will eiher worsen or be changed out od necessity
Maybe this is a wake-up call

Happy Birthday Baccie - you don't look a day over 199