The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166495   Message #4050548
Posted By: Joe Offer
04-May-20 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat ads - new workaround available
Subject: RE: Mudcat ads
Google changed their ads a while back, and they became much more annoying. And apparently, they no longer gave Max the option of putting the ads where he wanted to put them. Max puts the script for the ads at the top of the page, and the ads go wherever they want to go. They do pay for the operation of Mudcat, so we have to have them.

A Mudcatter sent me a personal message last week to complain about the ads. I told her that I was usually (maybe always) able to eliminate the ads from a message by clicking the printer-friendly link at the bottom of each message.

But this trick didn't work at all for the printer-friendly link at the top of threads that allows you to display an entire thread for printing. And the ads even showed up on the data that I sent to my printer, so Mudcatters would have to put up with printing a bunch of ads.

I finally figured this all out last week Monday, and I emailed Max about it. Max got to work, and took the ad scripts out of all the printer-friendly pages. So, if you want to read a thread or a message without ads, use the printer-friendly feature.

Thanks, Max.
