The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #166495   Message #4050561
Posted By: DaveRo
05-May-20 - 03:10 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat ads - new workaround available
Subject: RE: Mudcat ads - new workaround available
This thread started with a complaint about the adverts on a phone, for which Mudcat was never designed. So I just took a look at the printer-friendly pages on an iPhone with a 4" screen. I use Firefox on all my computers and mobile devices, so I started with that.

A big problem with the printer-friendly pages on a phone, like the whole site, is that the font is very small. You can turn it sideways, which might be big enough, but if you expand it with reverse pinch it goes off the edge. However, this is easily overcome in Firefox by using Reader View - the icon to the right on the address bar. There you can adjust the font size easily.

I tried to get reader-view on Safari, which is the phone's default browser, and couldn't find it. It did briefly display 'Reader View Available' so it's obviously capable of it. Googling suggests there should be an icon for it but I couldn't find it - maybe on a bigger phone? I suggest you poke about and google - it's there somewhere.

Reader view should work on Android phones too, it does in Firefox. (But so do ad-blockers.)

BTW - be aware that the printer-friendly page is always in date order, even if you started with a thread in reverse order.