The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4050839
Posted By: Rain Dog
06-May-20 - 10:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Care homes contain a lot of older people who are more at risk from dying from the virus.

Social care is something that needs to be looked at. It has been avoided by most governments here in the UK. It would be nice to think that the major parties would try to get together to come up with a long term plan. I am not sure that I will live long enough to ever see that happening in the UK. Whichever party is in charge they seemed happy enough to leave it for the next government to tackle.

Jim posted his usual "One of the things Ireland is streets ahead on is the respect shown for the elderly - despite right wing Governments and a somewhat indifferent younger generation that probably lost that respect through emigration and picking up bad habits"

Streets ahead? I don't think so. Then you blame that on right wing (do you ever see any other sort?) governments, and emigration? MMmmm now I wonder which country that they emigrate to that is the cause of that?