The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4051357
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-May-20 - 03:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
THe care home situation in Ireland is admittedly bad, but nowhere near as bad as Ireland, long admitted to and being worked on - Ireland is a poor country thanks to the Bankers and never has been able to afford a national Health Service, but in general, the medacal facilities are second to none
Even the richest nations have not been able to cope in this situation
In the US, they check your wallet before they check your pulse - if you can't afford treatment you die - simple as that
Britain - among the wealthiest nation in te world has watched as the National Health Service - set up by Labour and opposed by the Tories - has been run to a hand-to-mouth situation with nursing sytaff being overworked and paid a pittance - nurses falling asleep at work and going home worrying how to feed their families (if they can afford them) doesn't happen here
Add the fact the the British National Health Service would have long ground to a halt if it hadn't been for the Irish and despised immigrant medical staff hadn't been prepared to put up with these appalling conditions, (not to mention the ant- Irish, anti-black racism they had to put up with)
I know from family experience how badly Irish nurses were paid and sometimes treated - two of my aunts suffered the NHS ordeal as dedicated nurses

The despicable comparing of the Irish to Britain's own worst mass murderer is pretty typical of Britain's present racism problem that Brexit has helped to generate - I couldn't be more grateful for the example - the real "Doctor Shipman" is the scumbag non--elected main-man who proposed a prioritising a "survival of the fittest" treatment scheme
Let's move away from this cess pit level eh ?

A reminder of the real situation in the UK
Its report comes amid calls for accurate data on virus-linked deaths.
Only 217 such care home deaths have been officially recorded in England and Wales up to 3 April.

That was the situation in 19th April - the Government only admitted there WAS a problem a couple of days ago, when Johnson was forced to apologise and has yet to begin tackling it
Given the discrepency between the reported between reported and actual figures, I wonder if those understanding percentages better than I do (not hard to find) could work out the present ACTUAL FIGURES OF DEATH HOMES CARES RATHER THAN THE GOVERNMENT HYPED-UP ONES