The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30920   Message #405234
Posted By: Gern
24-Feb-01 - 09:56 AM
Thread Name: US/British planes fire on Iraq (closed)
Subject: RE: US/British planes fire on Iraq
I find it sad to see war become so fashionable and staunchly defended in these quarters. The poster who cited Saddam's lack of respect for international law is of course correct; this was the case before 1990, when the Bushes and Thatchers were arming him to the teeth. I guess that was before he became "worse than Hitler," a jingoistic absurdity coined by Bush Sr. Read THE FIRE THIS TIME by former Atoorney General Ramsey Clark and see how US and Britain fared by the standards of international law. He calld it genocide, according to the strict definition of international law, unjustified by any Iraqi atrocities. The incineration of retreating soldiers, destruction of the civilian power grid, the bombing of bomb shleters, tanks with snowplow attachments that buried surrendering soldiers alive, and fuel-air explosives which produce nuclear destruction without the bad press of the A-bomb. Little Bush has reassembled the team that trashed Iraq for political gain: Powell, Baker, Cheney. Don't be surprised that Saddam is back in the news; he is still useful to these people. Likable Powell is a hideous cabinet choice -- a military leader as chief diplomat? Does he wonder why the Palestinians didn't want his 'goodwill tour?' Are there any Mudcatters left who oppose war for moral reasons? Any folkies around who object to the deliberate and systematic slaughter so glorified in our countries? Have we ever "given peace a chance"?