The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #45686   Message #4052615
Posted By: GUEST
15-May-20 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Boat's Up the River
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Boat's Up the River
Digital Tradition Mirror
Rolling to Cairo Town (Roustabout Song) (Dillon Bustin)

I'm rolling, flowing, around these hills
I must take a rest, but this river never will
Rolling, flowing, to Cairo Town
Just give me time to lay me down

Boat's up the river, she won't come down
I believe it in my soul, she is water-bound
Back her, slack her, bring her round
Give me time to lay me down

Come, Rosianna, the boat is lying low
On a sandy bar, out in the Ohio
Roustabouts are pulling, pulling mighty slow
To give me time to lay me down

I work these steamboats. a dollar bill a day
I buy a dress for Rosianne, drink the rest away
Captain, he just told me to call lead line today
Lord, I got no time to lay me down

All of the rich folks out on the promenade
Twirl their parasols, drink their lemonade
I got hot steam to drink, I got smokestack for my shade
And I got no time to lay me down

I load all of this freight by bale and by sack
I slow coonjine the plank, I fast coonjine it back
A hundred eighty pounds a bale, a hundred ninety pounds a sack
Two hundred pounds'd break your back

copyright Moonbow Music