The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #54066   Message #4052925
Posted By: cnd
17-May-20 - 01:42 AM
Thread Name: Old German Songs website
Subject: RE: Old German Songs website
Charles, could it be this?

Good Night Garden

In the great green garden
There was a fountain
And a little blue shed
And a painting of-
Madame Monet by the flower bed
And there were three hundred ants on the peony plants
And two little vines
And a cactus with spines
And thriller in a pot
And a greenhouse hot
And a rake and a hoe and an old screened gazebo
And a quiet old gardener who was whispering “grow”
Goodnight garden
Goodnight fence
Goodnight deer jumping over the fence
Goodnight climber
with the jasmine scent
Goodnight birdbath
Goodnight stone path
Goodnight daffodil
And goodnight cranesbill
Goodnight sweet hops
And goodnight carrot tops
Goodnight little seeds
And goodnight weeds
Goodnight arbor
And goodnight trees.
Goodnight flowers.
Goodnight bees.
And goodnight perennials buried in leaves.
Goodnight lilies
Goodnight roses fair,
Good night gardens everywhere.
