The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67220   Message #4052958
Posted By: Jim Carroll
17-May-20 - 04:16 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Quilty Fishermen
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Quilty Fishermen
It was one of five songs locally made on the incident, still being sung by local singers, including Ollie

The event is celebrated annually in Quilty and the local Church has a display of some of the reliques inside as well as versions of the sings framed in the porch
The Church "Our Lady of the Sea" was named in its memory
Canoes (curraghs) similar to those used for the rescue are still to be found in people's gardens ut it's a long time since I saw one in use (except during one of the celebratory weekends)
One of the singers we recrded, Mikey kelleher was a noted curragh maker, as was Michael Falsey
Jim Carroll