The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167889   Message #4053593
Posted By: Bat Goddess
19-May-20 - 08:54 AM
Thread Name: 2020 Obit: Micca (Michael Patterson)
Subject: RE: 2020 Obit: Micca (Michael Patterson)
Jeri "really nice dinner [singular]"??? DINNERSSSSSS! At Acorns at the New England Center multiple times, at the Black Trumpet in Portsmouth (NH). Around the table at Chez Schulz-Hall in Nottingham, NH — Tom (Curmudgeon) providing the delectible food, Micca providing the wines (yes, plural) and Ardmore and port (oh! that lovely port!) to lubricate the lively dinner table conversation that spilled over into the wee hours. Songs, quotations, poetry and comic verse, book and film references, merchant marine wisdom...Life, the Universe...EVERYTHING.

One of my most captivatingly interesting friends...

His songs, from "Thiepval" to "Shantyman Whose Never Been to Sea"...

We hadn't talked for a couple weeks. I never had a chance to tell him I'd ordered (and received) his last book recomendation.

The world is, quite suddenly, a more colorless place.

I miss you, Traveling Gnome, but right here at my hand is the Rosetta Stone flash drive...and just around the corner is the stuffed octopus sometimes worn as a hat.
