The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30920   Message #405394
Posted By: Gern
24-Feb-01 - 03:02 PM
Thread Name: US/British planes fire on Iraq (closed)
Subject: RE: US/British planes fire on Iraq
'Skeptic' has learned that it is better to refute facts than to consider them. Trashes the book he hasn't read and find the truth easy to ignore. He dismisses a Nobel Prize nominee whose fact-finding group toured Iraq in Fe. '91 while the bombs flew. I'll take Clark's legally detailed definition and application of the term 'genocide' before the opnion of any anonymous Mudcat expert (myself included.) Clark documented his findings in detail, presented them to the United Nations and filmed these events. Amnesty International cited his findings heavily while condemning Desert Storm. Find a copy of this film, called "No Place to Hide," and look at what war fever can do. Fuel-air explosives, mocked by the misunderstanding 'Skeptic,' erupt into an above-ground fireball that is quite enormous and indiscriminate. Its potency has been described as 'nuclear' by Doctors Without Borders, who have sought their ban. Those tanks with plow attachents? Hundreds were mounted this way to burst thru Iraqi earthworks. Several Allied commanders diverted these to bury bunkers with soldiers inside. Some US tank drivers recalled seeing white flags waving from inside those bunkers. Remember those 'surgically-accurate' Smart bombs? All PR. 93% of the heaviest bombing barrage in human history were plain old "dumb bombs," rolling out of bomb bay windows and striking their targets with less than 40% accuracy. 'Colatteral damage' [sp?] sounds a lot better than '100,000 civilians killed,' don't you think? Don't dismiss the truth without daring to examine it.