The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #30920   Message #405439
Posted By: Troll
24-Feb-01 - 04:26 PM
Thread Name: US/British planes fire on Iraq (closed)
Subject: RE: US/British planes fire on Iraq
Gern, there is something you need to know about Skeptic. When he says he "skimmed" a book, he means that he didn't do an in-depth re-read of it, NOT that he just flipped through it.
None of the people that I worked with who were in Desert Storm ever talked about the atrocities you and Clark claim and they were in the thick of the fighting. Surely one of them would have mentioned burying Iraqi soldiers alive or "Fuel Air" bursts. But you can believe Ramsey Clark if you like.
He has his agenda and he presses it forward with vigor if not accuracy. The point is, that just 'cause he said it don't make it so. You say he had evidence. Why did NO ONE ELSE, including Saddams supporters, publish similar evidence or produce his evidence.
It seems to me that you have an agenda and are willing to use ANY source that appears to support it. So much easier to use the "facts" of others than to find out things on your own.
