The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167910   Message #4055010
Posted By: The Sandman
25-May-20 - 04:52 AM
Thread Name: The future of folk music in a post-Covid
Subject: RE: The future of folk music in a post-Covid mention a musician from kilcrohane and in an insulting way, you state you are only talking about the mizen head, well kilcrohane is on the sheeps head peninsula further than bantry 13.5miles bantry 11 miles
you wish to include her in your post yet exclude the tisdalls who lived closer.
that is illogical
i have an interest in folk clubs because they are an ideal venue for songs such as narrative ballads , you talk about respect for the tradtion, but this sounds like it does not include narrative ballads, narrative baalads get shown respect if they can be listened to, where else other than folk clubs do you suggest this aspect of the tradtion is suited ,possibly house parties ,but not noisy pubs.