The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167960   Message #4055665
Posted By: Captain Swing
28-May-20 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: Tune Add: Ornsay Lighthouse (video)- reel
Subject: RE: Tune Add: Ornsay Lighthouse (video)
Thanks for the comments Guest.

I start by making a good audio recording of all of the instruments. This is the longest stage, probably about 3-4 hrs. This track then becomes the guide for everything else. The next stage is fairly quick. I simply film myself playing each instrument while listening to the audio track through an ear-piece - probably about 90 min in this case. The final stage is to align all of the video tracks together with the audio track. I'm still a novice with this bit but getting better. It took about 3hrs this time. So all in all about 11hrs. It would be much quicker if I didn't use the fiddle as I find it more difficult to record than the other instruments. I expect to improve on these times in the future.