The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167987   Message #4056511
Posted By: Jack Campin
01-Jun-20 - 01:23 PM
Thread Name: Killed for listening to Kurdish music
Subject: RE: Killed for listening to Kurdish music
I saw another FB post about this, quoting a different news service, which brought up an issue I found very disturbing. The reposter's comment (in Turkish) said quite clearly that he'd been killed for listening to a Kurdish song, using the normal and completely unambiguous word "Kürtçe". But the FB translation for the word was "Turkish" - you had to look at the original (hidden by default) to see what hsd really been said. It was as if an article about the murder of George Floyd had been rewritten to say he was a white cop killed by a black gang.

This CAN'T have been accidental. Somebody has managed to tweak FB's translation system in the interests of the Turkish racist right.