The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4056679
Posted By: Jim Carroll
02-Jun-20 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
"The Tories allowed themselves to be sucked into it, one of the reasons being they were worried by Farage"
The Tories were led by the nose by Farage and the benefitted from allowing him to play the race card
That particular stunt is about to hit the fan when those protesting now about the killing in America follw the US lead and make it about the increasing level of racism in British society - Brexit has produced a 'dog returning to its vomit' scenario
In addition, an inevitably economically crippled U. S. is no longer going to even pretend to fill the gap leaving Europe has left
People were always ready to change their vote - that's why it was never allowed as an option once the consequences of leaving became clear
Britain did well from Europe and would have done a damn sight better if it had entered in the spirit of co-operation rather than wanting to have everything their own way - a legacy of Empire
The worst aspect of Brexit has been Johnson himself, a racist misogynist, openly lying (before the cameras even) buffoon not even taken seriously by his own party and happily prepared to drop Britain in the pocket of the most dangerous madman on the planet
One of his only positive contributions has been turn the Tory Party into a scrap between two factions - unfortunately, this has happened when Britain desperately needs a united front against a major pandemic - not exactly good timing