The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #13088   Message #405725
Posted By: Amos
24-Feb-01 - 11:41 PM
Thread Name: Amusing Work Songs??
Subject: RE: Amusing Work Songs??
As Pat Worked on the Railway is rich with humour of a bitter sort; as is "Drill ye Tarriers, Drill"; and for the kind of work that's outside the mainstream, "Days of Forty-Nine" says a lot. And, as Art says, Warner's "Blue Mountain Lake" is all work and thick with laughs. My Dad was from upstate, although he became a cosmopolitan after college and moved to Manhattan; but the verse that always cracked him and made him hold his sides laughing was:

"And now my good fellas, adieu to you all,
For Christmas is comin' an' I'm goin' ta Glens Falls!
An' when I get there I'll go out on a spree,
Fer ya know when I've money the divil's in me!
Derry down, down, down derry down."

'Course that brings up all kinds of other songs -- the Erie Canal, for one, and the E-RI-E, for another. And the Locktender's Lament, which I believe Burl Ives recorded in the early 60's or thereabouts.

Regards, A.