The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168012   Message #4057582
Posted By: GUEST,Roderick A. Warner
05-Jun-20 - 06:07 PM
Thread Name: New Shirley Collins LP-Heart’s Ease (2020)
Subject: RE: New Shirley Collins LP-Heart’s Ease (2020)
Thanks for the info re new Shirley Collins music - and the fascinating article via the link. In my ‘tradition’ and mediations, Shirley would rank very high. She was one of the singers who made me aware of folk music a long way back and her experiments with Davy Graham and her sister the late Dolly Collins displayed ways to expand the field further, without resorting to ideological attempts at clunky lockdowns. The article is a seed to plant, perhaps... Catling, Coil, Cope, one of my favourite directors Derek Jarman and the long speculative reach of Audrey Burl plus the musics being given perhaps a trajectory into this little patch...