The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4057814
Posted By: Jim Carroll
07-Jun-20 - 03:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
"I can't help worrying that the Black Lives Matter protests will have made things even worse for those who are black than before."
That is the excuse Priti Patel gave for not supporting the march
Anything we do now is a risk - London tube trains appear to be back to their 'cattle truck' status, schools are returning shortly, despite the fact it has been admitted that it is impossible to get children to 'social distance', workers who are unable to work at home have to go back to their workplace are risking their jobs if they refuse to go into work...
The world is, for the first time, on it's feet demanding rights for Blacks and the end to institutional murder
Trump and his puppets are hoping this "terrorism on the streets" will blow over and are using the pandemic to blunt its obviously growing effect (it wouldn't surprise me if Don the Dick hadn't 'found God' for a little divine backup
Going for the newspaper if a risk at present - as far as I'm concerned, some risks are worth taking - I wouldn't be without my daily Codeword and I wouldn't ak people to do without their rights