The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167965   Message #4058002
Posted By: Charmion
07-Jun-20 - 06:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: What are we doing in the garden?
Subject: RE: BS: What are we doing in the garden?
So today we moved the composter. When we plunked it down beside the steps to the deck, there was nowhere else to put it. The other side of the deck steps were almost over-run by a dogwood bush with a Manitoba maple growing up through it, and anywhere else in the garden would be too far from the kitchen door in winter. But now the dogwood and the Manitoba maple are gone and the deck is gone ... Options! so we moved it eight feet, over next to the air-conditioner. In its nicely manure spot, I planted a lavender bush.

The composter was supposed to be a hell of a job, but it turned out to be a doddle. But we had a whole lot of pent-up determination to burn off, so we dismounted the front rain barrel and counter-sank an old cement paver for it to stand on to ensure that it stays plumb and level.

What a job that was. Lacking any appropriate tools, or indeed so much as a bag of aggregate, we dug a shallow hole a little bigger than the paver, levelled it more or less with the 18-inch carpenter’s level I just happen to keep it in the umbrella stand, dragged the paver into place, and boy howdy, what a relief, it worked.

Cold drinks, mutual back-patting, and quiet reading to follow.