The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4058605
Posted By: An Buachaill Caol Dubh
10-Jun-20 - 11:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
As I've written elsewhere, a statue of the Duke of Sutherland, perched high on a massive pedestal itself set on a hill, has been dominating the town of Dornoch, Scottish Highlands, since the mid nineteenth century; his role in what are familiarly known as "The Highland Clearances" should place that statue squarely among the list now being virtuously compiled. Scottish people who still have the knowledge of that part of their country's history have long called for its removal; for the most part, these efforts have been reasoned and legal - and consistently rebuffed - and none of the attempts at more direct action has yet been successful.Well, it's a colossal lump of stuff. I'd say that efforts to remove this reminder that some are born to own the land, the rest of us to work it, have been made for even longer than, for example, the First Nations peoples of North America have been trying to secure better lives for themselves and their families. While in Britain attention is now being widely drawn to such reminders of oppression and exploitation, and in some cases of who and which group still holds the whip-hand, it does seem that a disturbing agenda has become fashionable, that is, to decry any reminder of oppression which is not solely focused on Slavery and on the Slave Trade. Strange, but then, as politicians have known for longer still, an enthusiastic mob with loud enough voices and low enough intellects can be led by their collective noses, as asses are. Keep the pot boiling, reward the right journalists, and soon enough that mob will be insisting that two and two make five if they're told to do so (or any other absurdity chosen), and howl down anyone who dares question the latest orthodoxy cast before "the swinish multitude".