The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168028   Message #4059078
Posted By: GUEST,Jim Hauser
13-Jun-20 - 07:13 AM
Thread Name: Stagolee by Blind Pete & Partner
Subject: RE: Stagolee by Blind Pete & Partner
One last thing regarding the Stetson, I believe in most versions it is the property of Stagolee, but that's not always clearly extablished. Also, if I remember correctly, the Stetson does belong to Billy in Champion Jack Dupree's version, but it's the only one I can think of in which this is the case.

Thread #168981   Message #4082479
Posted By: GUEST,Jim Hauser
08-Dec-20 - 01:52 PM
Thread Name: New article on Stagolee and John Henry
Subject: New research on Stagolee and John Henry

Hi folks,
Some of you may recall a thread I created years ago about my research on racial resistance, protest, and rebellion in the John Henry ballad. I have written an article which draws on that research, plus includes a discussion about the "Stagolee" ballad and the connection between the two ballads. For those familiar with Cecil Brown's book Stagolee Shot Billy or who have an interest in the Stagolee ballad, I believe you will find that my article contains much about the ballad that has never been published before.

The article is titled Stagolee and John Henry: Two Black Freedom Songs? It has been posted to Lamont Pearley's African American Folklorist website.

Below is the address for the article.

Jim Hauser