The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31169   Message #405952
Posted By: GUEST,MAV
25-Feb-01 - 11:30 AM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked - Seven
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked - Seven
Dear Little Hawk,

"Boy, am I sick of this term "love child". What does it mean, anyway? Seriously! It's a dumb term used by publications like National Enquirer to embarass celebrities"

I think the Supremes (the singing group, not SCOTUS) created it in the 60s and probably helped make the destructive practice more acceptable.

"How come they (celebrities) have "love children" while the rest of us simply have children?"

Because they have the morals of alley cats and the "rest of us" presumably look out for the best interests of our children including giving them TWO parents.

"Presumably it means a child conceived out of wedlock"

Yes, it means illegitimate (illegal) or even nastier, BASTARD!

Both of those terms can be viewed in a dictionary near you.

"Big deal. I don't particularly care. If I thought marriages were "made in heaven" then I would, but I don't"

That is your right, but centuries of societies conducting experimentation with family arrangements have brought us to the current status of the desirablilty of the nuclear family.

Recent studies have shown most criminals and other whack jobs emerge from dysfunctional and broken households but largely from single parent "families" where no father is present to enforce dicipline and teach right from wrong.

"They're (referring to marriages) made in churches and government offices generally. I mean, in the technical sense..."

Yes, hence the term legitimate or legal applied to a new member of a family...not just spawn popped out like so many accidental puppies.

Not being real friendly to political correctness, I think the term "love child" does have a certain consideration for the individual in question to it when contrasted to BASTARD!

mav out