The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #31169   Message #406054
Posted By: GUEST,MAV
25-Feb-01 - 02:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bushwacked - Seven
Subject: RE: BS: Bushwacked - Seven
Dear Ebbie,

"Naming no names I'd like to make a few guesses on a certain person's homelife"

Well, since you named me in your last comment I'll just guess you're talking about me.

"Your wife trots back and forth bringing you comestibles -and never doing it quite to your satisfaction-"

She takes pretty good care of me and I try to do the same for her. I leave her a message daily on the answering machine thanking her for what she does for me, she also works.

"or she is out there telling people how unhappy she is in her situation"

We both find ourselves talking favorably to others about our better halves, both of us had prior relationships where we were treated badly so we love and appreciate each other (for 18 years). You? "Your children, sir, are either kowtowing to you and spouting the same rhetoric or they left home long ago and you haven't seen them in 10 years"

We weren't blessed with children but we love the daylights out of our nieces and nephews.

"You are an animal lover-"

True. "and are fond of saying dogs are the only thing you can trust"

Not true, I believe in people and their ability to exercise their freedom and accept their responsibilities.

The thing about the Collie went right over you lil head. Didn't it?

"Your daydreams are dark and scary"

Not really, we just got control of the US government for the first time in 40 years, actually I'm quite optimistic.

"Or NOT... Maybe this is just the venting of a mild little man who wishes someone would pay attention to him just once"

I'm pretty mild mannered but I get plenty of attention. It's actually pretty amazing that I even have time to post on this forum. Maybe it's just the venting of someone with a different point of view than the Hollywood left.

"Incidentally, where does mav (nothing big about him)"

There he goes, not naming names.

"get off taking offense at being placed in 'reich field'"

I think I covered that but just let me add......I HATE AUTHORITARIANISM and BIG GOVERNMENT!!!

"but feels justified in saying 'Hitlary'?"

She not Reno, ordered the raid on WACO.....FOR THE CHILDREN!!!

She's the smartest woman in the world, but she doesn't know anything. (Just like Sargeant Schultz)

"I know NUTZING!......mmmmm......NUTZING!"

I just watched the entire Hitlary press conference from Thursday, what a lying crock. Any one who believes a word she says is..........whatevr.

Perhaps you should take a look at "Hell to Pay" by Barbara Olsen, or take a look at some of the observations of people who worked with her in the White House (they weren't allowed to look at her)

Thank you for asking.

By the way, lots of New Yorkers are questioning their choice for Senate, I'd say she may well face 6 years of defending emerging details from her and bubba's (nothing big about him) reign of terror in the White House. This should be good. Unless of course they can un-elect her.


mav out