The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #168123 Message #4060869
Posted By: Joe Offer
23-Jun-20 - 02:00 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Judgements / Judgments (Leon Rosselson)
Subject: Lyr Req: Intriguing song-Flagellation of younger
Interesting email request:
Because of the current lockdown I have been spending much more time on my computer than I normally would have done and lately I was researching a song that I half recall from 50/60 years ago. I have not been able to pin it down anywhere at all but I did come across your site this week when I was looking for any potential forum to discuss the lyrics and so, here I am attempting to join if you’ll have me. I sing to myself in my head lots of times on most days (strangely, quite often when I’m doing all sorts of other things at the same time) but then my wife often tells me that I’m odd (but so is she – left handed and vegetarian – I rest my case). I seem to be able to recall at least half of this song but not its title nor who wrote it/sang it and for interests sake I’ll present below that which I can recall in the hope that you’ll be able to help me with the rest…..
When I was young I always was keen on judging others I used to practice flagellation on my younger brothers From there my path was straight and true my school was right my college too I joined the most exclusive clubs and mingled with the noblest bloods My views were strictly orthodox and quite above suspicion In the art of legal strategy I was soon a skilled tactician And so today above the fray in my exalted state I judge the crimes of mortal man a messenger of fate
Give that fellow fifteen years my liver’s bad this morning Chop off that lying peasant’s ears we’ll give them all a warning ‘Cos punishment’s the only way to teach the plebs crime does not pay And every day is judgement day Hey ding a ding I love the spring when the pretty birds sing so gaily I don my wig and I dance a jig and I dole out judgements daily
That’s it - I think that I have the first full verse and the ‘middle eight’ but I’m probably missing another full verse. I’m quite sure of the tune (tricky though it is) but I can’t specify chords or notes as my only real musical skill is to be able to hold a tune in my head and occasionally sing it correctly. I’ve tried googling various lines from the above in the hope that all of it would magically appear but nothing at all has come to light.
Hoping for some help, I am, yours gratefully
OK, admit it, that is the most intriguing song you've heard all week. Anybody know it? Mr Google isn't helping.