The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4061492
Posted By: peteglasgow
26-Jun-20 - 09:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
i've left the labour party 3 times in the past and supported and voted for other progressive parties. anyway, i joined again when corbyn was going for the leader job. i thought it disgusting the way he was treated and i'm dismayed to see what the leader is doing to Rebecca L-B. however, i'm not even thinking of leaving - did i read that part of maxine peake's purpose was to urge left leaning members to stay with the party? - well, i'll do that and do my best to use what little influence i can to keep the party to task in fighting for the rights and lives of people in england and internationally. i'm afraid i think it's self-indulgent and defeatist to do anything else. i havn't been loyal to the labour party but i have all my life fought the tories and the danger they currently pose to us all is real and urgent. it's a terrible system - we have to remake it and this will never happen unless we get rid of the tories. 'a party without principles is not worth supporting' is purist but just what the tories and their friends want you to think. sadly, we have to get our hands dirty to get rid of their filth.
