The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4061506
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-Jun-20 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
"How do you propose to demonstrate that ‘anti-semitism’ is a completely unfounded Tory trope without demonstrating it won’t be tolerated?"
It is not up to me or anybody to prove the accusation is unfounded, on the contrary, it's up to the accusers to prove it does - that's how British justice works
Antisemitism is the oldesst form or racist bigotry in existence and it is present in every party, Labour included
There was not a smell of it being 'a problem until almost exactly one month after Corbyn announced his support for the Palestinian People - he drew short of supporting BDS
A group of Labour Friends of Israel were invited to a meeting with the Knesset and a week after they returned accusations of Labour antisemitism began to appear in the press
It was found that virtually all the accusations were groundless - Ruth Smeeth, one of the most vociferous, was found to be FUNDED BY ISRAEL and was an admirer of Netanyahu - none of this appeared in the popular press, who were happy to take whatever they could throw at Corbyn in their orchestrated campaign to get rid of him
Despite clause 10 of the new definition, Israel has managed to make criticism of Israel "antisemitic" - this has backfired on the Jewish people who are now being accused of Israel's crimes, thanks to Israel's using them as human shields
Some of the most outspoken critics of Israel are Jews - Holocaust survivors and their descendants, ex Directors of Mossad, even a General in the Israeli Army - all have equated the behaviour of the present Government with that of the Nazis - they have been awarded the title "self-loathing Jews"
Israel is now regarded a criminal State by the U.N. - for its land stealing and its ethnic cleansing policies
The only thing that has kept it out of the International Criminal Courts is over 30 U.N. vetoes by the United States

The Labour Party was founded partially with support of Jews fleeing the European pogroms - it might be a coincidence that these accusations began so soon after Corbyn's announced support for the Palestinians - I'd welcome anybody's opinion on that one
Labour has nothing to prove, it's accusers have everything