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Thread #167690   Message #4061550
Posted By: Backwoodsman
26-Jun-20 - 01:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
”The vast majority of Labour voters aren’t ‘Lefties’, they are ordinary people with decent, sensible, middle-of-the road views."
On what grounds do you make this claim - I don't remember a referendum being held on the issue. It depends on you are in this divided nation (divided by Thatcher)“

Well, Jim, I live in the UK, I have a wide circle of friends, many of whom are Labour voters. Some - a small number - are what I would describe as radical Lefties, most fall into the category I described, they have middle-of-the-road views very much akin to mine. It seems a pretty reasonable to assume that would more or less hold true in a wider setting. If you think I’m wrong, give us the evidence.

”What right have you to describe left-wingers as indecent”

I didn’t. You’ve just introduced that concept - very low and dishonest of you, Jim.

”I would describe those who stood behild Blair when he committed Britain to decades of war in the Middle East as thoroughly indecent”

So would I.

”The same goes for those who stood silent as the situation was arrived at where working people could no longer afford to send their children to higher education, or as the gap between haves and have-nots steadily widened, or homelessness grew....... and all the rotten things that have ahppened to Britain over the last few decades   
The old Labour party was part and parcel of making Britain the unequal, dog-eat-dog, oil greedy nation it has become - just by saying nothing as it happened“

Nothing I’d disagree with you about there Jim.

But what, pray, does any of that have to do with my suggestion that, by undermining the Leadership, ELECTED BY THE PARTY MEMBERS, the dissenters and underminers are risking destroying Labour’s chances of victory at the next GE? The Party should be big enough and adult enough to accommodate a range of views, and to reach agreement on its attitudes and policies by a process of discussion, negotiation, consensus, and compromise. And those who disagree with the final decision at the end of that process should be adult enough to accept it, and get behind the Leadership in order to rid the nation of the scourge of this corrupt Tory government.

You’re pulling your usual stunt of dragging out every red-herring you can think of in order to muddy the waters, and try to stifle the voice of one whose views don’t mirror yours.

It won’t wash, Jim. You’ve been rumbled.