The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4061556
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-Jun-20 - 02:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
"Well, Jim, I live in the UK, I have a wide circle of friends, many of whom are Labour voter"
So ?
You didn't say anything about a lot of friends - you actually said
"The vast majority of Labour voters aren’t ‘Lefties’, they are ordinary people with decent, sensible, middle-of-the road views."
Do you actually know this or did you make it up ?
You made the statement - you give us the evidence
"The vast majority of Labour voters aren’t ‘Lefties’, they are ordinary people with decent, sensible, middle-of-the road views."
Whick implies that "lefries aren't ordinary and don't have sensible views - otherwise, why make such a cliam
What is sensible about sitting on the fence whie your party supports a line fed by a criminal state - or all the other things I listed
Pretty 'insensible' to the suffering of those who elected them, in my opinion
"So would I."
So why was Blair noth thrown aout on his arse at the earliest opportunity-?
" the dissenters and underminers are risking destroying Labour’s chances of victory at the next GE? "
Which totaly ignores my point
What should anybody want to support a party who sacks his minister for telling the truth - do you claim that Britons wants to be governed by such a leader - or are you caiming Israel to be innocent of what she calamed they were doing - were they not traning American police forces to The vicious ?
The Minnesota Force is one of those has now admitted having backed away from the tactics because of the number of deaths

Why should Labour members gt behind a leadership who supports such behaviour - because they are the leaders - right or wrong - surely not?

The only rd herrings here are above - you have yet to respond to a single point - you have hidden behind "but they are the leaders" from the word go - whatever happened to principles and honesty ?

In essence, by sacking this principled lady, this nasty piece of work has accepted that The Labour Party is riddled with Jew-haters - he has played to the bumwipe press, The Friends of Israel and the Ethnic Clesnsing regime that has dragged the Labour Party's name into the slime
Not a bad days work for someone who hasn't been in office long
"Rumbled" - don't you wish !!