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Thread #167690   Message #4061615
Posted By: Jim Carroll
27-Jun-20 - 03:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
"I’ve made my point, several times, about disunity and disloyalty within the Labour Party. "
"My party right or wrong" is not a message I would wish to draw support for Labour on - the Labour Party had adopted wrong far to "right" (literally) policies for far too long - that peaked under Blair when he sold |Britain to George Dubya's oil wars adventures and began filling body bags with young British men and women
Is it a betrayal to suggest that should never have been suported and that all those left wingers who took to the streets were 'traitors to the cause'
The Party was wrong then, and the people who took Labour there - Blair's Babes and Babesses, are now scrambling to get into power - New Labour hasn't gone away - sacking ministers for telling the truth is holding the door open for them

Corbyn was inexperienced and he made mistakes, but you could see him growing into office as fast as the daisies in our garden - hi main strength from day one was that he had the strength of Labour principles behind him
If Labour is going to mean anything it has to put a huge gap between itself and its opponents - New Labour was indistinguishable from the Tories - if you voted them into office you would get the same policies in a different wrapping Corbyn offered a clean break, which was why so many flocked back in their thousands
Now Baccie's flavour-of-the-month is offering them a take it or leave it path back to the good old New Labour days

I notice nobody here has said that Labour has an antisemitism problem - Starmer has suggested that it has by sacking a principled minister for telling it as it is
That will drive out all those who came back and it will attract no new blood to replace them

Winning elections isn't enough; people have to be won back for an ideal - not promises of quick-fixes
The last election was a freak - it wasn't won on support for policies - it was won on 'Brexit fatigue' people wanted it to be over, one way or the other - that's not going to happen, of course
Corbyn's crowd offered a change - that is still a possibility and will remain so until his supporters throw in the towel and piss off

I cast my very first vote for a Prime Minister - Harold Wilson was our M.P.
I went on a massive lobby of Parliament one, organised by Y.S. and other groups (on rising youth unemployment, (particularly virulent on Merseyside)
As Wilson's most available constituent, I was invited into his office as a representative of the Merseyside group; it turned out to be my first experience of a slick, 'career politician' who spoke quickly and said nothing - polito-speak
When I was interview later by a leftie reporter I was totally unable to give one positive, straightforward statement Wilson had made - just empty 'shit-and-shine'
Politics have that down to a fine art nowadays - that's what has to change
Sacking people for telling the truth ain't gonna do that