The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4061675
Posted By: Steve Shaw
27-Jun-20 - 09:11 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
So, John, we'd all better completely shut up about the murky dealings between the Israeli secret service with US police forces, not to speak of the horrors that the Israeli regime has visited on the Palestinian minority, lest we get tarred with the antisemitism brush. Game, set and match, then, to the Board Of Deputies and the other pro-Israel lobby groups, including all those "friends of Israel" party cabals. Except that they'll be back for more, of course. Even the disreputable John Mann and Margaret Hodge have crawled out the woodwork. Don't mention the occupation...don't mention ethnic cleansing in the Negev...don't mention the illegal settlements on all the best land with the best water...don't mention Gaza...don't mention IDF snipers murdering children on the border...mustn't get called antisemitic and make ourselves "less electable..." First things first, eh?