The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4061683
Posted By: Steve Shaw
27-Jun-20 - 09:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Well I have nothing to do with any social media, but, let's face it, twitter is a prime platform for politics now whether we like it or not.

"For an MP to shoot their mouth off on social media about a subject that, amongst others, caused Labour to suffer one of its worst defeats ever..."

The subject you presumably refer to is antisemitism. One more time. Neither Maxine Peake's remarks nor Rebecca's response contained any antisemitism. You can opine about their judgement (as long as we don't mention Gendrick or Cummings...), but that much is crystal clear. You seem to be arguing for the gagging of any discussion of an horrendous Israeli regime. Well, unless you can tell me what you think is the right way and the right place. As this is a party issue, not Parliament, eh? What price robust and honest politics if we can't mention Israel, without looking over our shoulders?