The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4061696
Posted By: peteglasgow
27-Jun-20 - 10:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
there is an opinion i've often heard - usually from ukip/right wing types - or folk with just a passing interest in politics who like to think they are too smart to be persuaded by any politician - 'all just in it for themselves' and 'those politicians are all the same' it's just lazy and media driven nonsense. if anyone can't see the difference between decent politicians and the current government then they are eejits or worse. when folk on the left descend to the same level, condemning them all as shameless tories they are just doing the establishment job for them . part of the problem or part of the solution?
[ also hear a lot about what is going on in the labour party but i don't know how much contributors to the discussion have a real and current knowledge of that issue. it should go without saying that you shouldn't believe all you read in the papers. i rejoined when corbyn got the job and back the manifesto of the election before last. as did everyone in our branch, including our MP sue hayman - who worked hard for JC though she had proposed owen smith. i disagreed with her on stuff though was happy to work for her as a good woman and a hard-working mp. it's tragic that we now have a clueless lout elected in her place.

we can choose between self-indulgence and solidarity . in the end if we can't take down this government it really does not matter how we interpret the current spat. there have been so many similar stories in the past- so many splits -we need to grow up and start behaving like a party ready to govern