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Thread #167690   Message #4061809
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Jun-20 - 03:07 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Unless the leadership sorts itself out as to whether it is going to be a genuine alternative with alternative policies it will not get and does not deserve loyalty
You have declined to say whether there is evidence of antisemitism in the Labour Party, which leads me to belive that you don't; in which case, you are prepared to accept a dishonestly ruthless leader who is prepared to throw his colleagues and his party's raison d'ĂȘtre to the wolves for the sake of political expediency and career - no different to Johnson's 'Night of the log knives' in the 'Battle of Brexit'
Unity is meaningless and valueless unless it is for a purpose - that purpose was intended to change society for all - not to back up all the shitty injustices that have been heaped on the less-well-off - rising inequality, working people's children's exclusion from higher education, the loss of a voice in the workplace, the transformation of homes into speculative investments
WE have gradually seen the star in Labour's crown, The National Health Service turned into a beurocratic, paper-pushing nightmare carrying a begging-bowl - Labour's career politicians have done little to offer any opposition to this
Instead, the members stood by while Blair committed Britain to decades of oil wars and far too many of its parliamentarians got their fingers burned in taking back-handers and fiddling expenses
Under you right wing - Labour became indistinguishable from its supposed opponents
Now you are demanding Loyalty for someone who has come into leadership quite happy to join those accusing labour of having an "antisemitism problem" by sacking one of his ministers and splitting the parliamentary party
All the support 'Labour out of loyalty and things might change' crap in the world isn't even going to begin to put things right
Yes, Johnson has to be opposed, but Starmer has made it quite clear he isn't going to do it - he is a manipulator and a bully
Labour would have to have suicidal tendencies to accept this behaviour