The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #167690   Message #4061817
Posted By: Jim Carroll
28-Jun-20 - 04:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
Subject: RE: BS: UK thread, Politics and political
The has split the party that elected him and is likely to have driven away a lot of people who rejoined when Corbyn appeared
That's not "moaning" Dave, it's stating a fact
He is more likely to appease Johnson "for the good of the people" than he is to oppose him - that's a strong likelihood
My initial comments on Starmer were patronised (at best) rather than agreed with - he hasn't taken long to live up (down) to my expectations
The first thing, in my opinion, is to discuss (moan if you like) his potential as a leader - not to call for blind loyalty - that will change nothing
The coming period is likely to include a great deal of social unrest - there's been enough of that over the lock-down already - the next will be the job losses, the shortages and the profiteering on everything, from rents to food prices
There's a large backlog of medical treatments that haven't taken place, cancer being among them
The people are not going to be happy bunnies for the forseeable future and some of the more sinister fringe parties are going to be lining up offering their own alternative
The left needs to be there with song, clear and trustworthy leadership - Labour is the logical choice - but not under the present circumstances